Author Archives: Emperor_Mardoth

Mythic Multi-Universe! Chapter One~


Forbidden Valley, Paradox Hideout

Meritoy strode half-way across the darkened walls, the small, occasional windows giving miniscule amounts of light. His red robes signified his position, the cowl on his head giving away his position even further – an agent of the Paradox. Meritoy’s cowl covered his mouth, just below his nose to allow him to breathe. But even then, Meritoy could hold his breath for long amounts of time. He had spiky black hair, blue, electric eyes, and a scar across his eye that intimidated even the sturdiest of villains. The lines that creased his face, made him always appear grim. And for the most part, that was true. But he had a reason to be.

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The Mythic Multi-Universe! (A story in progress :P)


Mythic Headquarters, Academy

The professor continued writing with the beaten chalk on the black-board, with such energy that surprised the audience, as he was rather elderly.

“The Universe isn’t yet ripe to inhabit, to colonize. We’ve sent many testers to collect data, to see their reactions, their personalities, and their very core. If we cannot find out this information, then we cannot ever colonize such a place.”

A person from the crowd shouted, “But Professor Bob, if the colony is so unstable, then doesn’t that mean it would be unpredictable no matter what we did?”

The professor flashed a momentary, smug, grin.

“That would be correct, under all circumstances…but one.” Read the rest of this entry

Stories of Old ~ Forces of Two (A SW Story – IN PROGRESS)

Note: I do not own anything about StarWars, only my writing and this Fanfiction. Everything about Star Wars belongs to LucasArts…and…ugh, Disney.

Without further ado…here it is!

Chapter 1

Anthea walked through the halls, as she awaited the response from her Master, her thoughts pacing, as the sunset’s light cast shadows amongst the hallway, as other Jedi crossed the halls to their own destinations. Read the rest of this entry

The Regius Empire – INFO

Here is my military units, and positions:

The Knights: Our basic star fighters, with small-powered shields. The Knight model is equipped with laser cannons and lock-on missiles, for extra accuracy.

The Halberds: Land units, in the form of tanks. A single plasma cannon at the front, enhanced with Harmonian technology. Small computer-controlled artillery on the sides to combat foot-soldiers. Read the rest of this entry